Saturday, January 31, 2009

ungrateful swine!

We all know that money's a sore subject for anyone, especially in the days of today's economy. Seriously, though, I've been taking care of this one particular bill that just pisses me off for about 7 months now and another payment is due again next week. I could just spit at the conversation I had last night with the not-yet-ex.

I didn't expect a "thank you" but good LORD, I didn't think he'd blast me with all the pepper spray he did last night. I paid the fucking bill. again. and he's still driving the van. Still. without any responsibility to me for the payment.

I'm still thinking and there's some junk up in my head that got a little rattled up after our conversation. Today is a day that makes me very glad that I'm still on meds. My seratonin feels like it's literally jumping away from the receptors and that's left me feeling rather unsettled.

How is it that two people can be in the same place, at the same time, going through the same things, and come out with such diametrically opposed perspectives on what happened?

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